Søndag 11:40
The snow and avalanche safety industry in Sweden is very male-dominated. Women in Snow and Avalanche Safety (WSAS) - Sweden main objectives are to encourage more women and nonbinary individuals to enter the snow and avalanche safety industry as well as to retain more women in the industry.
Our goal is not for the industry to become 50/50, but for the industry to benefit from all the positive changes that comes with diverse work groups.
We will present in more detail what WSAS is, why an initiative like WSAS is needed, results from a survey among women in the industry, and how we work to achieve our goals. We hope that our presentation will be a starting point for further discussions, and for similar initiatives in other Nordic countries. In the end the entire community has a responsibility to make the industry more open and accessible for all, regardless of gender.
Om foredragsholdere / opphavsfolk
Jenny Råghall, founder WSAS, forecaster and operation area manager in Kebnekaise for lavinprognoser.se (Swedish Environment Protection Agency), avalanche instructor, alpine mountain reascuer.
Co author Andrea Mannberg, Professor in economics at the School of business and economics and CARE at UiT.